Saturday, 14 September 2013

Our Film Genre

Because last year we did not get very high marks we have decided to change our film genre, we looked at the website so see what type of film we would like to do.
Last year we created a horror, over all the filming was good but we have decided to go in a different direction this year by looking at the website we have decided to do a romantic drama. This might bee difficult for us as we have never attempted to do a romantic movie, fortunately I am a big fan of romantic movies, books and other media, so I will be should be able to understand a little of what the audience wants in a film.

Romantic drama- a drama which focuses on the elements of romantic love between two protagonists. These films usually have happy ending, or at lest bittersweet endings. Often tearjerkers and more popular with women. These films can be linked to other genres, such as romantic comedies, or rom-coms, which still have the element of drama but not as strongly as just a romance.

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