Wednesday 30 April 2014

Final Film Poster

Above is the finished film poster for our movie trailer. Both me and my partner have worked on this together. We have listen to all of the comments given to us by our peers and we made the decision on what we needed and what we should change.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Magazine Cover Feedback

We have asked for feedback from our teacher and co-workers and they have told me that they believe that it's really good except for the large body of text on the right hand side also they told me to add a date and price.
Me and my partner have considered all the advice we were given and we will decide on what we need to change and what we want to stay the same.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Movie Poster Feedback

Above are the notes that we were given to us by our colleagues and teacher.
They told us that the photograph we were using was good but the colour scheme we used did  not match our genre. They said that it was too plain and bland.
They told us that we should consider moving our text to other places to make the poster flow better.
We also forgot to add the release date onto our poster so we will need to add that before we post the final.
Both me and my partner have listen to the feedback and will take into consideration the critiques we were given and work on what we feel we need to.

Friday 11 April 2014

Our Magazine Cover (Draft 1)

Above is the first draft of our magazine cover. The photograph was taken using my Canon E0S 400 Digital camera and the photo editing software we used was Adobe Photoshop CS6.

We used an existing magazine as inspiration for our magazine. The magazine is called Total Film I have done some research on this company in one of my earlier post.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Our Film Poster (Draft 1)

We have started creating our Movie Poster, I took the photograph with my Cannon E0S 400 Digital Camera. I took the photograph so it would match the comedic aspect to the film. I had Leticia do some work on a computer while having guy lean over her shoulder trying to get her attention.
I will ask for feed back form my teacher, colleagues and people of my target audience.